Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Rottweiler Attack

I used to like dogs when i was a kid.

Nowadays we make our way through a minefield of piles of shit on the way to school.
Some local kids walk right through it, oblivious, they're parents:oblivious.

Yesterday though, on the way home from school, we got attacked, by a rottweiler. A few days ago, a family lost they're child to a pair of the beasts in a pub.

This is the second time we have been attacked by a rottweiler in the past year. This time i have no address, so its useless to report it to the dog warden or police. The common factor, besides breed, was location. Both times we were on a council estate where we live.
I wonder if a judge or politician's kid were mauled, in a nice cozy cotswold village, there would be tougher action on these animals.

Patricia Hewitt is seeming to try and find a way to legitimize doing nothing:

The problem is, these dogs are too popular with they're owners subculture. Politicians risk making enemies of voters if they enforce any new legislation. Our national totem is a fighting dog, the 'British Bulldog', so its pretty deeply written into our society that its ok to own these things.
And people do it because they can't own a gun. My girlfriends reaction to yeterdays attack was 'We could get a rottweiler, to protect the kids'.

I think it would be better to ban them from the street, and legalize pit fighting, to let the dog-violence thirsty among us feed they're need.

Is it fair to let even one more human child pay the price for our (aging, fattening) hard men to have they're weapon with them as they walk down the street?
Its a semiotic weapon, usually, walking a deadly dog, that says: Don't fuck with me.
Thats why they own them. Else why not own a labrador?

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